Kevin O'Brien Bagpiper
Kevin O'Brien Bagpiper

Kevin O'Brien





151 N Ellwood Ave

Baltimore, MD 21224

Phone: 410 327-6637







Kevin in Frederick, Maryland





Kevin also plays small pipes made by E.J. Jones


At annual rendezvous of the

Women Descendents of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company

Washington, DC






Wedding at Maryvale Castle, Lutherville, Md.

Washington Scottish Pipe Band - Christmas Walk, Alexandria, Va., 2010
MacMillan United Pipe Band
Rennselaer, Indiana. Dedication of bench in memory of Bill "Drex" O'Connell, Drexel Hall, St. Joe's
Washington Scottish Pipe Band at St. Andrew's Society Tartan Ball, Washington, DC
St. Patrick's Day at Rumors, Washington, DC




2015 Irish Stroll, Federal Hill, Baltimore

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© Kevin O'Brien Bagpiper